Basic colors for business style clothing


Color plays an important emotional role in life. Shades and tones affect our subconscious perception of ourselves and the world around us. It is especially important what colors we surround ourselves with in everyday life: at home and at work. We choose colors according to our state and feeling at the moment, sometimes without thinking, but this choice carries a lot of information about us to others.
Psychology of color in a business wardrobe

When putting together a business wardrobe, there are no trifles: style, shape, and color are important. In the cycle of business events and important decisions, there is less and less time to form an opinion about the interlocutor. Therefore, your image and appearance should speak for you.

When you need to impress colleagues or clients, answer a few questions. What social group are these people from? What industry do you work in? Does it encourage creativity - or is it better to present yourself as a rational person in the classical image?

But what's even more important is how you feel right now as you get dressed for work. Do you want to cheer yourself up? Need more energy and drive? A business suit or dress can add confidence and importance to you and highlight your professional qualities. Bright and light colors tend to be uplifting and relaxing, while dark and neutral colors give a feeling of control.

Marketing research shows that most women perceive blue, teal, teal and pink colors better. Men are attracted to yellow, red, orange, peach and shades of blue. When choosing the richness of the shades of a business wardrobe, rely on your sense of taste, and also take into account the impression you want to make.

A classic color for a women's office suit. To establish trust, choose blue. This is a “safe” tone - as universal as black, but less conservative. It will emphasize your restraint, expertise and authoritarianism.

Neutral, conservative, confident. When you wear a gray dress or suit, the cut and structure of the garment come to the fore.

Dark gray suggests distance, allows you to talk about significance without symbolic ambitions. Light gray is a little closer in perception to pastel tones - it gives lightness and ease.

People who work directly with colorists claim that medium gray and beige are the colors of professionals.

Renaissance, pale shades - everything seems to speak of softness and flexibility. It calms and visually relieves tension.

Blue shades refresh, highlight the tan and make the skin less pale. A pale blue shirt is an alternative to the classic white one. The pink tone is relaxed and airy.

However, if you have an important presentation or public speaking coming up, pay attention to more “collected” colors: white, ultramarine, fuchsia, lilac, violet.
White and black are the basis of business style

A white shirt, black trousers + jacket or vest is a practical basis for any dress code, creating an impression of structure and rationality.

White is the color of beginning, the canvas that opens up possibilities for creativity. It creates a feeling of order, freedom and cleanliness. The main property of white is neutrality. The basis of a stylish wardrobe is the perfect white shirt and a classic black suit. These models are appropriate almost everywhere and always.
Is red acceptable in a business wardrobe?

Yes! It is a warm, energetic color that encourages action. The psychological meaning of color is passion, strength. Red attracts attention. It is often used to express physical passion and sexuality.

Red encourages people to take action, to be active, to be more collected. It will help create the image of a confident business woman, demonstrate perseverance and achieve goals. This active color is suitable for communicating with large audiences during public speaking.
Green color

It is hope, growth, vitality, balance. The human eye perceives green as calm and harmonious. Green represents nature. A person dressed in green appears assertive and is associated with caring for others and balance. He is trusted, he stands on his own two feet and makes reasonable decisions.

A cool shade of green will help you look confident and at the same time friendly.

Neutral green in a women's business suit gives the impression of reliability.
Noble brown

This is a very calm, down-to-earth color that is associated with maturity, reliability, and predictability. Remember that there are different shades of brown - from beige to chocolate. Light brown and beige clothes are associated with openness and friendliness, while dark brown is serious and even down to earth. In combination with gold, it is noticeably transformed and helps create solemn images.

Remember that there is no “good” or “bad” among shades. There are colors that affect people differently and the combination of which is important to consider in clothing in order to use this powerful tool in business new communications.


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